It’s Personal – How Meeting Specific User Needs is Driving Change in ERP

It’s personal -how meeting specific user needs is driving change in ERP

It’s personal -how meeting specific user needs is driving change in ERP

A productive workforce is a varied one, encompassing an array of different ages, backgrounds, and personalities. Sometimes that can lead to conflict, yet the most successful businesses we deal with are those which embrace diversity and recognize the value of different approaches. We recently launched our Resistance to Change eBook to help customers navigate different personalities and put personalization at the heart of ERP.

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The Importance of Manufacturing in Every Country


Manufacturing remains a critical force for both developed and developing countries, however, its role is changing and could play an even greater role in stimulating economies through the adoption of innovative technology. But the reality is that many manufacturing processes are still transitioning from traditional to modern practices that largely incorporate automation.

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The Benefits of Cloud-Based Best-of-Breed vs. Integrated Stack

Just this morning, a client informed me that she couldn’t move her company to the Cloud for reasons of security. Security? For a company that makes muffins? She nodded, emphatically, noting that her muffins were a popular item. I spluttered a little before responding: ‘But…worrying about Cloud security is so…2016….’

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Use Technology to Engage Young Workers in the Manufacturing Labor Force

Millennials and Generation Z are already disrupting the labor force and will continue to do so.

A common challenge for many manufacturers is finding and retaining skilled labor. Many businesses are facing the retirement of older employees, and higher turnover in their workforce. At the same time, some manufacturers lament that younger workers don’t have the same skill sets as the earlier generations, or that they’re just not that interested in the manufacturing sector.

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Leveraging the power of BI and Data that IT offers today


Nowadays, we take information technology (IT) for granted and simply expect it to be intuitive to use and for it to simplify our lives. IT enables our personal and business processes and actions to help us lead organized and effective lives. But the ins and outs are completely interconnected. You cannot have one without the other, and successful outcomes rely on what’s put in.

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What’s the Difference between Business Intelligence and ERP?

What’s the Difference between Business Intelligence and ERP? - SYSPRO ERP System - Australia

How does BI differ from ERP?

ERP systems essentially integrate all the disparate functions within your business and overcome the so-called ‘silo mentality’ by creating a single, centralized data architecture. The ERP software collects, stores and manages data relating to business activities.  The principal output of ERP software is business efficiency and cost-savings.

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3 Reasons Why Food and Beverage Manufacturers Benefit from Digitalized Operations

Digital transformation is the latest trend, and for good reason. Being a successful food or beverage manufacturer in 2019 is no small feat. It requires an efficient supply chain and demand management, quality control, and a willingness to adapt to an ever-changing industry.

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Why CPM Helps Finance Workers Sleep at Night

If I had ever, in my youth, invented an acronym, I believe it would have been ‘GARR’. GARR represents the repetitive processes that countless financial workers have suffered through since the invention of…well…finance. Finance, almost by definition, requires attention to detail, and for a finance worker, the details are in the data. And if you rely on data, then somebody needs to GARR:

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How Using ERP can Help Fund New Innovations for Your Business

A recent study out from PwC in November 2018 week shows R&D spending by companies reached record levels in 2018—a good sign for the future.

The study looks at the 1,000 public companies around the world that spend the most on R&D, and found a hefty 11.4% jump from 2017, to a record-high $782 billion.

The question is, will your business join them and embrace change as a benefit?

It can be hard to move forward, particularly if you’re struggling to find time and funds to apply for government grants and other financial incentives – after all, there are a lot of moving pieces to keep track of.

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