How Widespread RFID Adoption Would Change Distribution Businesses

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) works a lot like barcodes letting you scan products, or anything else you put a barcode on, and instantly get serial and product information on that object. The big difference is that barcode scanners physically need line-of-sight to the barcode while RFID can automatically read a tag if it is within range.

Check out my post on RFID vs Barcodes for more information on how these technologies compare.

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RFID vs Barcodes

RFID vs Barcodes - SYSPRO ERP Systems - Australia

Radio Frequency Identification, or RFID, has been the next-generation technology to replace barcodes for some time. While RFID hasn’t come close to eclipsing barcodes yet, adoption of the technology continues to grow.

While there are some novel uses for RFID, most companies employ RFID to do the same things as barcodes, and for the same reasons.

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Maybe it’s time for a change? SYSPRO 7.

Over the last few years I have blogged about the disappointing number of times that I have observed manufacturing and distribution businesses go through a process of identifying a series of business improving changes, but then failed to consider or adopt these changes because the change was too difficult (politically or from an effort perspective). An attitude of ‘we’ve always done it like this and it works ok’ seemed to creep in, which had completely infected the culture of the business and its people – and had unfortunately kept the business firmly planted in the status quo.

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Three benefits of an ERP system

To continue to be successful, businesses today consistently feel pressure to cut costs, outperform the competition and deliver high levels of customer satisfaction.  While some find this to be a daunting task, others harness the power of Enterprise Resource Planning systems and their ability to streamline daily business operations. Businesses experience a multitude of benefits after implementing an ERP system, and this blog post explores three of those benefits.

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