The Millennial Thinker

As we continue to deploy SYSPRO at new sites, it is become increasingly more evident what an impact the Millennial generation has in our workplace. Most Millennials are “touch savvy”: they are so used to having information at their fingertips that it is sometimes difficult to help them understand the difference between Angry Birds and an integrated ERP system.

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Networking For the Young Business Leader of Tomorrow

Nelson Mandela famously said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” I have repeatedly seen the positive impact education has made in people’s lives and how it changes everything for the better. At SYSPRO we have always known the value of education and supporting the youth in growing their skills in networking to become the business leaders of tomorrow.

A common problem among young entrepreneurs is that they don’t know how to present their ideas to potential investors and are not well connected enough in the business world to help their ideas gain momentum.

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Olympics Highlights the Back to Basics Approach

The recent Olympic opening ceremony was novel for the very fact that it honoured the past traditions of the 2000 year old Olympic Games without inserting any high tech themes into the ceremony. Witness the presence of oiled and “naked” wrestlers from ancient Greece representing the very beginning of the Games.

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The Importance of ERP Backups

The Importance of ERP Backups - SYSPRO ERP Systems - Australia

The word “priceless” comes to mind, every time I think of a backup. It only takes a few minutes and can save you so much time and effort. It’s easy enough to setup a nightly backup of SQL and your server. If you only backup your SQL Database and your Syspro7Work, Data and Basesettings folders that is enough for us to get you back up and running.

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