The Relationship Between Organizational Culture and ERP

The Relationship Between Organizational Culture and ERP - Australia - SYSPRO ERP Systems

Having a great company culture is no longer optional. Today’s employees expect nothing less and regard it as strongly as they do salary and other benefits. Company culture is simply the personality of a company coupled with the core values and ethics, which then supports that company’s processes and procedures. Company culture is the backbone for what an organization does as a collective team to reach an ultimate goal.

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Ransomware and Beyond – Part 1

The Internet is teeming with cybercriminals armed with increasingly sophisticated malware designed to steal your data – or extort you for cash. It’s an evolutionary process, an arms race, and a threat to every organization doing business across the Internet. Symantec’s 2016 Internet Security Threat Report contains some appalling statistics. During 2015:

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Protecting Your ERP Data


When the subject of corporate data security comes up, the conversation usually turns to outside influencers such as hackers, malware, internal espionage and high-profile breaches. Those are issues that every company should protect against, but they are not the topic of my blog today. What I’d like to address are basic security measures that will protect your data (and your ERP investment) from the mistakes of well-intentioned employees.

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The Network Effect on Business Software


I often hear parents complaining about the difficulties of raising a teenager. I have one, so I’m not going to say it’s always easy, but there are times that they have something really valuable to teach us. Take technology for instance. A teenager’s ability to accept and embrace technology never ceases to amaze me. The lack of resistance means that they are able to experience and enjoy new technology without skepticism or lag. 

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