Manufacturing Technology Trends: Production Flexibility


The Internet has made competition global. Consumers now have more choice, and they exercise that choice more often, resulting in trends that move faster than ever before. The growth of the Internet, together with the emergence of new technologies, is having a major impact on the way manufacturers operate.

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Four software tools your ERP system needs


As we all know (or should know), SYSPRO ticks more functionality boxes than a Swiss army knife and part of the reason for SYSPRO’s ongoing product success is that it focuses on getting this core functionality right – whilst exposing this same functionality via business objects to allow easy software integration to other systems.

When a business implements SYSPRO, they often choose to implement other software tools available in the market too, with the aim of enhancing the solution and maximising the business’s return on its investment.

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Five Requirements for ERP Implementation Success

Five Requirements for ERP Implementation Success - SYSPRO ERP Systems - Australia

Like any major project, ERP implementations go best when planned in advance.

Larger companies can dedicate multiple senior executives as well as teams of junior stakeholders to an ERP project. Smaller companies, on the other hand, can’t dedicate the same number of people to a project, but they do not require the same detail when planning an ERP project.

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Tips for Consultants Going Down-Market: Details vs. Focus


One thing that we are seeing a lot here in Canada is ERP consultants moving down-market and participating in smaller deals.

We think that it is great that smaller companies are getting expert advice on projects as important as ERP selection, but you can’t just take the process that works for big companies and drop it on small ones without substantial modification.

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The Scope of Change in ERP Projects: People, Technology, Business Processes

Scope of ERP change

ERP projects can potentially touch every part of the business, and even the ones that are limited in scope have a dramatic effect and touch virtually every part of the business in some form.

When you are early in the planning stage, and when speaking with experienced sales representatives who have seen first-hand how dozens and hundreds of ERP implementations have transformed organizations on dramatically positive ways, you will be exposed to a variety of ideas on how to improve your business.

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How to Get Mobile ERP Right for Your Company

In my previous post, I touched on why the mobile evolution plays an important role in the ERP realm and how businesses can benefit from deploying mobile ERP. Companies in the Asia-Pacific region, in particular, have the vantage point to be early adopters and lead this next evolution.

Equally important is the deployment of the right solution and one that can meet the requirements of your company’s salesforce team. Choose the wrong tool and your expensive implementation will end up nothing more than a paperweight.

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Business Objects for Non-Programmers

Business Objects for Non-Programmers - SYSPRO ERP Systems - Australia

If you have come across any SYSPRO resource for technical users, you have probably encountered the phrase ‘business object’, and related phrase, ‘service oriented architecture (SOA)’.

While you don’t need to be an expert on business objects, it is worthwhile to have a basic understanding of what they are and what they do, so that you can understand why they make SYSPRO a flexible product.

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