
Business software

ERP for ManufacturingBusiness software

Lean Manufacturing Implementation and the Change Management Journey

Reading Time: 3 minutes In the first blog on this topic, I described the origins and background to lean manufacturing. In the second blog …

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Digital ERP - Social ERP
Digital Business and ERPBusiness software

ERP and the Connected Digital World

Reading Time: 3 minutes I recently had the experience of upgrading my Samsung phone to the S9+. Now for all the iPhone fans out …

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Applying and Operating ERPBusiness software

Is Your Accounting Software Bankrupting Your Business?

Reading Time: 3 minutes In my previous blog on Technical Debt, I explained the concept of technical debt using software architecture as an example, …

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Applying and Operating ERPBusiness software

Managing Technical Debt – Part 1

Reading Time: 4 minutes Technical debt is a term coined by Ward Cunningham in 1992 to describe the software engineering phenomena of how expedient, short-term …

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Applying and Operating ERPBusiness software

Twenty questions for CFOs embarking on an ERP project

Reading Time: 4 minutes As the CFO of an organization, your responsibility is to ensure efficient and effective financial operations and records, and influence …

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Planning-Purchasing-Implementing ERPBusiness software

Three Common ERP Myths De-Bunked – Myth #2: ERP is one-size-fits-all

Reading Time: 3 minutes In my first blog on de-bunking common ERP myths, I discussed the myth that “ERP is too hard to learn”. In this …

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Managing-Operating ERPBusiness software

Tips for Consultants Going Down-Market: Details vs. Focus

Reading Time: 3 minutes One thing that we are seeing a lot here in Canada is ERP consultants moving down-market and participating in smaller …

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Managing-Operating ERPBusiness software

The ERP Games

Reading Time: 3 minutes The Commonwealth Games in Glasgow are almost upon us, and most people in the UK are thinking back to the …

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Scope of ERP change
Supply Chain Management and ERPBusiness software

The Scope of Change in ERP Projects: People, Technology, Business Processes

Reading Time: 3 minutes ERP projects can potentially touch every part of the business, and even the ones that are limited in scope have …

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