
Picture of Erin Schlee

Erin Schlee

Erin Schlee is a Marketing Specialist at SYSPRO, USA. She joined SYSPRO in early 2011. Her responsibilities include social media management, and developing product-based messaging and collateral to highlight the value proposition of the SYSPRO product. Prior to joining SYSPRO, Erin was based at Tesla Motors, in the capacity of Regional Marketing Coordinator. Here she gained valuable experience in high-tech marketing, which prepared her for the ERP Industry. Outside of the SYSPRO community, Erin is a member of several organizations, including TechAmerica Orange County, the Technology Council of Southern California, and the British-American Business Council.

Posts by Erin Schlee

Planning-Purchasing-Implementing ERPERP Implementation

Three Tips for ERP Implementation Success

Reading Time: 4 minutes At the beginning of every year, I try to set both personal and professional goals for myself.  One of my …

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Planning-Purchasing-Implementing ERPERP Implementation

A Common ERP Misconception: Installation vs. Implementation

Reading Time: 4 minutes When purchasing a new ERP system, it is not only important to consider the software’s functionality and if it is …

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Supply Chain Management and ERPERP systems

Three benefits of an ERP system

Reading Time: 3 minutes To continue to be successful, businesses today consistently feel pressure to cut costs, outperform the competition and deliver high levels …

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Planning-Purchasing-Implementing ERPERP systems

Three Common ERP Myths De-Bunked – Myth #3: Selecting on functionality

Reading Time: 4 minutes We are told time and time again, we should not always be so quick to believe everything we hear, and …

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Planning-Purchasing-Implementing ERPBusiness software

Three Common ERP Myths De-Bunked – Myth #2: ERP is one-size-fits-all

Reading Time: 3 minutes In my first blog on de-bunking common ERP myths, I discussed the myth that “ERP is too hard to learn”. In this …

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Planning-Purchasing-Implementing ERPEducation

Three Common ERP Myths De-Bunked (Part 1 of 3) – Myth #1: ERP is too hard to learn

Reading Time: 3 minutes As humans, we are often quick to believe speculation and establish opinion based on what often happens to be myth. …

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Managing-Operating ERPBusiness software

Three tips to get the most from your ERP System

Reading Time: 4 minutes As an ERP professional, there are two questions that I am asked quite often by both prospective and current customers. …

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Supply Chain Management and ERPBusiness software

Three signs your business needs an ERP system

Reading Time: 4 minutes Last week, I ordered a birthday present online for a dear friend from my favorite chocolate store. The shop’s unique …

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Planning-Purchasing-Implementing ERPBusiness software

What is ERP and How Will it Help Your Business?

Reading Time: 3 minutes Let’s face it, no matter what size manufacturer or distributor you are, every business needs a method of organization in …

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