
Picture of Andy Latham

Andy Latham

Andy Latham is the Group Managing Director for K3’s Manufacturing and Distribution Division. Andy has spent nearly his whole IT career developing and implementing ERP systems. He is particularly interested in new technologies and specifically the application of technology to business applications. He has spent many years developing integrated manufacturing solutions with SYSPRO at the core and believes passionately that properly integrated and implemented systems should form the back bone of any modern business. After nearly 30 years working with SYSPRO, Andy knows the SYSPRO product well. Over the years he has worked in many areas from helpdesk, to implementation, from pre-sales to development and brings a wealth of experience to the team. In his leisure time Andy enjoys DIY, running, and fishing.

Posts by Andy Latham

Services and Support for ERPMaintaining/Upgrading ERP

How to get the most out of your Support Desk

Reading Time: 4 minutes A recent stroll down memory lane reminded me of my first job on a support desk, and it struck me …

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Applying and Operating ERPERP systems

5 Questions on Technology Selection

Reading Time: < 1 minute

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ERP for ManufacturingBusiness software

When to put your ERP system in the cloud

Reading Time: 4 minutes The other week I was at a friend’s house having a barbeque when his granddaughter ran out of the house …

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Planning-Purchasing-Implementing ERPBusiness software

How to plan an upgrade – Part 1 – to upgrade or not to upgrade?

Reading Time: 4 minutes A few weeks ago my ageing TV packed up and it was a sad moment when I threw my trusty …

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Managing-Operating ERPBusiness software

Top tips to stop your ERP system falling into disrepair…

Reading Time: 4 minutes I may be turning into a grumpy old man. Last week my family gave me this dubious honour after a …

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